Thank You for a Great Conference!

We cannot wait to see you next year

Kaleigh Baker, OFLA President

Wow! I can hardly believe the school year is winding down and we are preparing for summertime, vacations, and much needed relaxation. As the curtains draw to a close on another enriching school year, on behalf of the OFLA Board, I want to extend our heartfelt thanks to each and every one of you that attended the conference in March and helped make it a success.

As we reflect on this conference, we are filled with gratitude for the invaluable insights shared, the friendships forged, and the bonds strengthened. Together, we have explored new ideas, tackled challenges, and paved the way for a more inclusive and interconnected world.

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Using AI in the Classroom

Spotlight on Seal of Biliteracy Test Practice

Megan Brady, OFLA President Elect
Spanish Teacher, Northwest High School

I hope you found my previous article about AI in the classroom helpful!  I would like to share another tool, called DIFFIT.ME, that I use often. It allows you to either look up a site, copy/paste text, or create text based on your needs. Once you have a text, you can use DIFFIT to manipulate the grade level of the text.  You can also create several types of questions such as multiple choice, short answer, extended response, etc. DIFFIT will also pull vocabulary words, definitions, and summarize the information. Then it can share the information in different styles such as Google Forms, several styles of slides, worksheets, etc. It is AMAZING. I am currently using it to help me create different level readings for my classes. I am also using it to come up with good reading comprehension questions to help differentiate within my courses. This is also a really helpful tool for our ELL kids, as we can bring science textbook explanations to a 3rd grade level, for example, to help them better understand what is happening.

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OFLA Fall Mini-Conference

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Goal-Setting in the World Language Classroom

Deborah Varga, OFLA Executive Vice-President 
Spanish Teacher, McKinley Senior High School

Happy Spring everyone!

I am taking time during this last month of school to reflect on what my goals are for the 2024-2025 school year.  I always revise these at the end of summer vacation so that I can have a clear and focused pathway that is actionable.  I do a lot of semantic mapping, or mind-mapping, when it comes to breaking down the steps towards achieving my goals. 

Let me share with you my 5 goal areas that have been on-going for me, for at least that last few years:

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Language Reactor

A Support for Authentic Resources

Cheryl A Johnson, OFLA Parliamentarian and Bylaws 
Retired Instructional Technologist for the Modern Languages, Denison University 

What is Language Reactor?

It is a platform that supports language learning by providing subtitles for films, TV series, YouTube videos and other forms of digital resources.

Why use Language Reactor?

This platform supports reading, listening and speaking. It helps students to learn new vocabulary and structures as they watch videos or read texts. The video subtitles are interactive and students can click on words or phrases to get a translation, hear it pronounced and see examples of it used in other sentences.

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Finish Strong and Enjoy Your Hard-Earned Summer Break

You are making a difference every day!  

Maria Herman, OFLA Membership chair 
German Teacher, Maumee City School

There comes a time of year when all teachers begin to count down the days until summer.  I once heard a teacher say about these days that she felt she was “wishing her life away,” and I thought that was so very sad.  Of course, the cliche “don’t count the days, make the days count” is a much better way to look at the end of what can sometimes feel like a VERY LONG school year.

Realize that these last few weeks of the school year can sometimes be the most enjoyable.  Remember to take the time to feel that sense of accomplishment and happiness.  Look at how far your level one students came this year: from no vocabulary to perhaps having finished a reader or two!  Look at those seniors and remind them how proud you are of their linguistic accomplishments over these past years. And give yourself a proverbial pat on the back for the part you played in all that!

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The Cleveland International Film Festival Student Film Slam

Beth Hanlon, OFLA Executive Recorder and Editor of The Cardinal
Spanish Teacher, Oberlin High School

Each August, a handful of my upper-level students come into class demanding to know what day this year we are “going to see movies in Cleveland.” 

Movies in Cleveland?  You don’t know about this amazing experience available from the Cleveland International Film Festival (CIFF)?  Let me tell you!

CIFF runs a student film slam program.  The short film programs include Animated Cinema, Black Cinema, Cultural Cinema, Chinese Language Cinema, Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, Belonging, and Accessibility Cinema, Feature Films, French Language Cinema, Inspirational Cinema, German Language Cinema, and Spanish Language Cinema.  Their short film programs include not only world language classroom-appropriate programs but also for other classes and courses offered in our schools! You can find additional information on their website.

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Active Learning to Boost Student Engagement: Ideas for Language Classes

Nicola Work, OFLA Editor for Electronic Media 
Associate Professor of French, University of Dayton

Do you want to make your language class more engaging and fun? Do students seem disengaged and bored? Do you have a hard time getting everyone involved? Would you like to mix up your class routine? If you answered ‘yes’ to any of these questions, active learning might be for you. 

What is Active Learning?

Active learning is any instructional approach in which all students are asked to engage in the learning process. This offers an opportunity for students in the class to think and engage with the course material and practice skills for learning, applying, synthesizing, or summarizing that material. Meyer and Jones (1993) describe active learning as “providing opportunities for students to meaningfully talk and listen, write, read and reflect on the context, issues, and concerns of an academic subject” (p. 6).

Active learning is student-centered as students take more responsibility for their own learning; the teacher, in turn, assumes the role as facilitator, guide, coach. Active learning often encompasses discovery learning, problem-based learning or inquiry based learning. Students learn by doing rather than by lecture. Research about active learning found higher levels of student achievement and personal development, increased course grades, and increased student motivation (Cavenagh 2016; Freeman et al., 2014; Kuh, O’Donnell, Schneider, 2017; Owens, Sadler, Barlow & Smith Walters, 2017). A look at Dale Edgar’s Cone of Learning indicates that active learning leads to higher levels of retention compared to passive learning such as lectures or watching a video. 

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Take Them Higher: Leveling Up Your Students’ Proficiency

How I Encourage Students to Produce More Language

Alexis Blum, OFLA Professional Development Chair 
Spanish Teacher, Wapakoneta High School

The end of the year is upon us! Finally, we have made it to May. Now is a great time to look back on what our students have accomplished this year. It is so rewarding as a teacher to look back and see how much progress we have made since September. For many teachers, now is the time of year that ties up units and prepares students for the next step. So, how are you encouraging your students to take the next big step in their proficiency?  

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World Language Advocacy Through English Language Culture Classes

Kirsten Halling, OFLA Public Relations & Advocacy Chair
Professor of French, Wright State University

As I write this article, I think back to the beginning of my career where I would have been devastated to teach culture courses in English, seeing it as a cop out and a way to cheat the students out of classes in which they could practice the target language. But that was then, and this is now. With the decline in enrollment in world language courses and the existential threat facing all language teachers, it is clear that staying ahead of the curve involves collaboration with other departments and placing an emphasis on skills that cannot be acquired through AI or Google Translate. At the college level, it behooves all language faculty to find essential ways to become intertwined with other disciplines so that canceling our programs would have ripple effects in many academic areas. 

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